Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Dirt Blowing is a Hazard

An excellent source of information on the harm dust blowers do is:


From this web site:

350 cities and towns have banned or controlled blowers nationwide

Towns that banned blowers (partial list) Most recent:
Greenberg, NY 2007 (read)
Mamaroneck, NY 2007 (
Palo Alto, CA starting Jan 1-06 (
Pelham Manor, NY starting Jan 06

Aspen, CO July 18-05 (read) and (pdf)
Houston, Texas July 18-05 (
Evanston, IL 2005 (read)
, BC Feb 04 (

In process:
Greenwich, CT, June 06 - considering citizen request for a ban (read)
Cambridge, MA - March 20, 2006 and November 2006 (read) - City Manager ordered by Council to report on an amendment to the Municipal Code
to ban leaf blowers

Berkeley, CA (
Belvedere, CA
Beverly Hills, CA (banned in
1978 read)
Carmel, CA (banned in
Claremont, CA (read)
Del Mar, CA (
Hermosa Beach, CA

Laguna Beach, CA (read)
Lawndale, CA
Los Altos, CA (
Malibu, CA

Menlo Park, CA (read)
Mill Valley, CA

New Rochelle, NY (read)
Pelham, NY (read)
Princeton, NJ (1998)
Rye, NY
Santa Barbara, CA

Santa Monica, CA
Scarsdale, NY
Seattle, WA
West Hollywood, CA

White Plains, NY

Towns with blower use & noise ordinances (parial list)

Most recent:
Toronto, CND starting Feb-06 (read)

Boulder, CO
Foster City, CA (
Indian Wells, CA (
Los Angeles, CA (
Montclair, NJ (pending read)
Oyster Bay, NY
Portsmouth, NH (
Sacramento, CA
Sunnyvale, CA
Winnetka, IL

States controlling leaf blowers:

Small Engine Pollution Rules - 2007 read

About 13% of Californians live in cities that ban the use of leaf blowers, and six of the ten largest California cities have ordinances that restrict or ban leaf blowers. All together, about one hundred California cities have ordinances that restrict either leaf blowers specifically or all gardening equipment generally, including the cities with bans on leaf blower use (IME 1999). In 2000. nationwide, two states, Arizona and New Jersey, have considered laws at the state level, and five other states have at least one city with a leaf blower ordinance (IME 1999).
Source: California 79-page Report of the State's Environmental Protection Agency (pdf)

Pending legislation - 2007 read

Monday, September 10, 2007

Alternatives to the Gas Blower

Thanks to:

Citizens League for Environmental Action Now
5120 Woodway Drive, Suite #9004 · Houston, Texas 77056
phone: (713) 524-3000 · email: info@cleanhouston.org
For the following alternatives to the Blower:

books | archives | editorials

Alternatives to Gas-Powered Leaf Blowers

There are numerous issues associated with using gas-powered (GP) leaf blowers, but the main concerns are: noxious emissions, propulsion of ground level materials into the air and the incessant, blaring noise. GP blowers emit as much pollution in an hour as a car would if it drove 100 miles. California’s Air Resource Board reports that the 2-stroke engines emit several pounds of particulate matter into air every hour they are in use. In addition to the pollution produced by the blowers themselves, they also force harmful ground-level substances to become airborne. Pollen, feces and other dust particles as well as particularly dangerous substances like lead, organic carbon, chromium, arsenic, cadmium, nickel and mercury which accumulate along street curbs are blown into the air where they are inhaled by pedestrians.

Most leaf blowers operate at levels of 70-75 decibels, about 100 times the level to which health experts say the human ear can be safely subjected. A majority of blowers used in Houston today are, in fact, in violation of the city’s noise ordinance. The ordinance states that, “no person shall conduct, permit or allow any activity or sound source to produce a sound that is discernible beyond the property lines of the property on which the sound is being received that when measured … exceeds sixty-five (65) dB(A) during daytime hours and fifty-eight (58) dB(A) during nighttime hours.” This regulation is rarely, if ever, enforced when it comes to leaf blowers.

The best alternatives to gas-powered leaf blowers are devices that are quiet, pollution-free, and keep ground-level dust and substances from becoming airborne to a minimum. There are several reasonable and affordable options available to lawn maintenance professionals and home owners for the collection of leaves and other yard debris. Here is a brief list and description of options available now.

The old Rake and Broom
Rakes and brooms are, by far, the safest, easiest to use and most inexpensive of all methods. They are also lightweight, easy to store, emissions-free, very quiet and require little maintenance. Diane Wolfberg, a grandmother in her late 50s, conducted several tests administered by the LA Department of Water & Power to gauge the speed and effectiveness of using a rake and broom versus gas and electric powered leaf blowers. In three tests, Mrs. Wolfberg cleaned specified areas using a rake and broom faster than the electric blower and nearly as fast as the gas powered blower, both of which were operated by lawn maintenance professionals. On all three tests the rake and broom proved to do a more thorough job of cleaning the areas than either of the power blowers. (source: January 8, 1998 press release from Zero Air Pollution)

Yard Vacuums/Blowers
In addition to the concerns of air pollution and noise, there is the issue of the effectiveness of leaf blowers. Often yardmen tend to blow leaves from one side of the property to other, leaving pockets of debris scattered throughout the lawn. Leaves on the edges of employer’s property lines are often blown into the street or into a neighbor’s lawn, only to be blown back by the neighbor’s lawn crew several days later. Our suggested solution: vacuuming up the debris with electric leaf ‘blower’ units. Many manufacturers offer units that can be switched over to act as vacuums. Electric engines provide plenty of power, are 50 - 70% quieter than gas powered leaf blowers and emit no air pollution. If yardmen used electric leaf blowers to vacuum up and mulch yard debris, it would eliminate virtually all the air pollution problems and greatly reduce the issue of noise. Many of the new ‘blowers’ have mulch ratios of 10:1, and can reduce leaf and grass clippings to a tenth of their former size. Yard debris account for a full 20% of landfill waste! While we would recommend that this mulch be used to naturally nourish the flowers, trees and grass on one’s own property- should it be thrown away, it will take up a tenth of the space it would have, had it not been vacuumed and mulched. Many of those who have switched from blowing to vacuuming, report that it is faster and leaves the yard in a cleaner state. It seems rather inefficient use of time to blow huge piles of leaves around and then bag them afterwards when you could do it all in one step using a vacuum unit.

There are several major brands, including Craftsman, Toro, Ryobi and Black & Decker that offer electric models with vacuuming and mulching functions. They can be purchased at local major retail stores like Home Depot, Lowes and Sears.

While you might not think of using a mower as a tool to collect leaves and other yard debris, many mowers have the ability to not only cut grass, but also vacuum, mulch and store leaves, grass clippings and other yard debris. A new generation of electric and reel mowers have emerged, providing consumers with the opportunity to maintain their lawns without emitting pollution or making a lot of noise. They are available in both manual and battery powered versions at prices comparable to, and sometimes well below, gas-powered mowers. With fewer moving parts, reel mowers require substantially less maintenance and tend to have longer lives. Pollution-free electric mowers are a little louder, but they provide more power which allows for faster mowing.

Brill brand mowers receive the high ratings for performance, affordability, and ease of use for both their reel and electric engine mowers. Unfortunately, they don’t seem to be carried by any local Houston retailers. However, a Dallas based company called Clean Air Gardening has a variety of Brill mowers and offer fast, free shipping as well as a 60-day money back guarantee. Locally, Ace Hardware has a good selection of electric and reel mowers at fair prices. Home Depot, Lowes and Sears also carry brand names like Black & Decker, Craftsman, Bolens and MTD.

Silent and pollution-free, lawn sweepers quickly and easily pick up leaves, grass clippings, twigs and other yard debris without sending dust flying into the air. Some models are specifically for use on the hardscape (i.e sidewalk, walkway, street, etc), but others can handle your yard refuse on grass and concrete surfaces.

Home Depot carries a Gleason brand sweeper that can be used on grass and hard surfaces. Ace Hardware is a primary retailer of the Agri-Fab lawn sweeper, but it is not a regularly stocked product so you will have to ask the store to order it for you.

Sunday, September 9, 2007

Too Much Hot Air

This site will become a gathering place for all who think so-called leaf blowers are a dangerous threat to the environment. Dirt blowers produce air pollution and noise pollution that is not acceptable, especially in warm climates and where there is drought.

We shall provide links and articles here that show what damage blowers do and to provide a common-sense alternative or solution to the problems they cause.

Today's article sets the tone: it comes from North Carolina:

Drought-induced insanity

By Ken Moore

Observations made from around town and the region during this summer-long drought have made me believe that our society is really insane.

Last week, while helping hand-water a native plant garden in Raleigh, making certain all the water went into the ground and not off onto the pavement, an awful noise from the Legislative grounds across the street made me turn to observe grounds staff mowing turf that was so short that it was difficult to distinguish between mown and un-mown areas. Accompanying the mowers were other grounds staff with leaf blowers, methodically walking along the curb blowing dust back and forth. This activity is a weekly routine.

That same day, driving into Hillsborough in the mid-afternoon, I observed impact sprinklers throwing water on the pavement and roadway in what was a faulty design to water a narrow strip of grass between the road and the parking lot of one of the fast food stops.

Across from my little house on the edge of Carrboro are two apartment complexes. There we have the weekly mowing of brown turf not high enough to meet the lowest mower blades. And I have listened to and watched accompanying leaf blowers go back and forth along all the walkways and roadside curbs blowing nothing but dust into the air. That’s air pollution, noise pollution and waste of diminishing fuel supplies. Back in the days when we had rain, I witnessed leaf blowers over at University Mall blowing water back and forth along the parking lot curbs; at least the dust was settled.

Then I see sprinklers throwing water over expansive lawns, the water blowing away in the breeze.

All those signs reading “We Use Well Water” seem to be license for freely throwing water about the landscape and encouraging more car washing with nary a concern for our lack of rain.

Finally the local papers are now describing that we are in an extreme drought and even some communities with muddy water coming through their pipes are beginning to set or consider setting water restrictions.

We must be insane.

We place a greater priority on short green grass than on big shade trees.

Community elected officials, town staff and business owners lack the resolve to establish guidelines for reducing waste of water and fuel, noise pollution and air pollution on urban and residential landscapes.

Contracts for weekly landscape maintenance, even during normal growing conditions, is foolish environmental pollution and waste of energy resources.

Landscapes mown and blown once every three weeks should suffice.

Three-weeks-tall grass is really not life threatening.

Taking refuge behind those “We Use Well Water” signs doesn’t impress me. All that well water is coming from the underground water table. Lots of folks like me don’t have access to city water but our well water is also dependent upon our shared larger water tables. We don’t appreciate other folks freely using the Earth’s groundwater with such disregard for the good of the community.

So, are we insane? As you move about your community, take note of how we behave, and you decide. When you see water running off of landscapes, see sprinklers blowing mist away on the breeze, see irrigation systems operating during rain showers, see mowers running over brown or short turf and see blowers just moving dust back and forth, bring sanity back to our actions.

Please stop and speak to the homeowner or business owner and let them know how you feel. After all, it’s not just my world. It’s also your living environment that is being wasted and polluted.

Footnote: Tuesday evening’s welcome rain registered an inch in my rain gauge and my three rain barrels filled to the brim. However, please note that our drought seriously continues. I pulled back the mulch under the Weaver Street Market trees and the soil below the mulch was still bone dry. Tree roots did not receive the much-needed moisture!!!


Please email me at Jack1132@yahoo.com. Let's start a Grassroots (pun intended) effort to eliminate dirt blowers.